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Website regulations praw-jazdy-360.pl

The following content of the Regulations defines the rules for using the services of the Prawa-Jazdy-360 website

Preliminary provisions

These regulations of the website "Prawo-JAZDY-360.PL" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") define detailed rules for the provision of services by the Administrator - i.e. New Generation M. Romanowski sp. j. with its registered office in Poznań, address: ul. Święta Marcin 29/8, 61-806 Poznań, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, under the KRS number: 0000896492, NIP: 7822588141. Available at the Internet address https://www.prawo-jazdy-360.pl and its subpages.


Whenever the following terms and definitions are used in these Regulations, they should be understood as follows:

1. Regulations - these "Regulations of the Prawo-JAZDY-360.PL website", constituting regulations within the meaning of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means, specifying the rules for the provision of services by New Generation M. Romanowski sp. j. by electronic means for Users.

2. Administrator - the entity managing and operating the website Prawo-JAZDY-360.PL (located at the Internet address https://www.prawo-jazdy-360.pl and its extensions), which is - New Generation M. Romanowski spółka jawna , based at ul. Święta Marcin 29/8, 61-806 Poznań, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the DISTRICT COURT POZNAŃ - NOWE MIASTO I WILDA IN POZNAŃ, 8TH COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER under KRS number 0000896492, NIP 7822588141.

3. New Generation / otherwise abbreviated COMPANY - New Generation M. Romanowski spółka jawna, with its registered office at ul. Święta Marcin 29/8, 61-806 Poznań, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the DISTRICT COURT POZNAŃ - NOWE MIASTO I WILDA IN POZNAŃ, 8TH COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER under KRS number 0000896492, share capital in the amount of: PLN 5,000.00 paid up in full, NIP 7822588141, address of the corporate website: http://new-generation.pl , e-mail address for contact: biuro@new-generation.pl, telephone number for contact: +48 790-747-360 (fee for regular telephone connection, in accordance with the tariff plan of the User's telecommunications service provider),

4. Branch, a branch of the company dealing with customer service of the website located at ul. Sowia 1/147, 61-131 Poznań.

5. Website - the User's network space, created as a result of the User's registration in accordance with the provisions of the Paid User Account Regulations, which the User may use provided that he remains logged in and pays for access in accordance with the offer. Detailed provisions regarding the registration of a Paid User Account, its maintenance and use are specified in the Paid User Account Regulations, available at the following website: https://en.prawo-jazdy-360.pl/terms-conditions

6. Paid User Account / otherwise abbreviated as KUO - the User's network space, created as a result of the User's registration in accordance with the provisions of the Paid User Account Regulations, which the User may use provided that he remains logged in and pays for access in accordance with the offer. Detailed provisions regarding the registration of a Paid User Account, its maintenance and use are specified in the Paid User Account Regulations, available at the following website: https://en.prawo-jazdy-360.pl/terms-conditions

7. Logged-in User Account / otherwise abbreviated as KUZ - the User's network space, created as a result of the User's registration in accordance with the provisions of the Paid User Account Regulations, which the User may use provided that he or she remains logged in to it. Detailed provisions regarding the registration of a Paid User Account, its maintenance and use are specified in the Paid User Account Regulations, available at the following website: https://en.prawo-jazdy-360.pl/terms-conditions

8. Unlogged User Account / otherwise abbreviated as KUN - A user using the website who has not registered and uses the website for free, without using paid sections of the website.

9. Mobile Application - software enabling the use of the Prawo-JAZDY-360.pl Website and access to Audiovisual Materials covered by the Agreement, intended for portable devices, such as tablets, mobile phones, smartphones and palmtops, equipped with appropriate operating systems.

10. User – a person using the Prawo-JAZDY-360.pl website.

11. Agreement - an agreement concluded remotely by electronic means between the Administrator and the User, the subject of which is the provision by the Administrator on the Prawo-JAZDY-360.pl Website. The content of the Agreement is determined by the provisions of these Regulations.

12. Hardware Platforms - programming environments that meet the technical requirements specified in these Regulations and have access to the Internet, through which it is possible to use the Website Services and play Audiovisual Materials.

13. Customer Service - an organizational unit whose task is to provide the User with assistance and information necessary to use the Services or related to the provision of these Services. You can contact Customer Service via the contact form via the Internet at https://en.prawo-jazdy-360.pl/contact

14. Package - the scope of the service and possible other benefits, selected by the User from the current commercial offer, however, if the scope of services includes providing access to questions available in the state exam, this access may be withdrawn or limited at any time, but only if due to legal provisions will result in a ban on disseminating questions.

15. Package period - the period during which the service will be provided under a given Package.

16. Access - generally a paid service provided electronically, consisting in making available as part of Packages the content distributed on the Website, which can be found, among others, on subpages of websites:

17. E-mail or Nickname / Login - a unique element identifying the account user, assigned when registering the account yourself or assigned by a business partner and made available to the end user

General provisions

1. The Logged-in and Unlogged-in User Account is provided by the Website free of charge. In order to conclude the contract, the User does not incur costs of using a means of distance communication higher than those usually charged for using this means of communication.

2. The Paid User Account is provided by the Website for a fee. In order to conclude the contract, the User bears the costs of using the Access for the period of time chosen during the Package Period.

3. The User gains the ability to use the Account on the Website:

a. automatically after the User enters the data and accepts the required elements and selects the registration button;


b. upon first login, provided that New Generation consents to downloading personal data, i.e. the user's email from the social networking site - in the case of a User who has an account on Facebook.com or Google.

4. Notifications regarding the use of the Account and the Website will be sent to the e-mail address being the Account identifier provided by the User in the registration form.

5. The User is obliged to use the services and content available on the Website in a manner consistent with applicable law, social and moral norms and the provisions of the Regulations. The User's use of the Website's services and content available on the Website in violation of generally applicable laws may result in civil or criminal liability. At the request of authorized state authorities, for the purposes of proceedings conducted by them, New Generation transfers Users data in its possession.

6. The website uses public information, such as official state questions that are available in the state theoretical exam (question content and multimedia) until they constitute public information. If exam questions are made secret, the website will be forced to stop providing official state questions used in the theory exam.


1. The administrator of personal data provided in connection with setting up an Account is New Generation.
The provided data will be processed primarily:
- in order to set up and operate the Account, for this purpose the data will be processed for the period from the date of opening the Account to the date of its liquidation or request to delete the data.
- if you consent to sending marketing information to the provided e-mail address - also for the purpose of such sending (for this purpose, the data will be processed for the period from the date of consent until the date of its withdrawal or objection or request to delete data). Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing until it is withdrawn.

2. The personal data provided may also be processed for analytical and statistical purposes, for marketing purposes (including profiling) and in order to establish, pursue or defend against possible claims - for this purpose, the data will be processed for a period until a justified objection or justified request deletion of data or until the Account is deleted.

3. Everyone has the right to object to the processing of their personal data:
- for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for this purpose);
- for reasons related to his particular situation (when data is processed for the purposes indicated in section 2)

4. Everyone also has the right to: access the content of the data and request its rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, and the right to transfer personal data.
Everyone also has the right to lodge a complaint with the authority supervising compliance with personal data protection regulations if they consider that the processing of personal data violates the personal data protection law.

5. Providing e-mail address data is necessary to set up and operate the Account.

6. Personal data may be transferred to entities providing services to New Generation (such as telecommunications, e-mail sending, accounting)

7. TRANSFER OF DATA OUTSIDE THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA It is possible that we will transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) - in particular to the administrators of social networking sites. Such transfer will take place provided that an adequate level of protection of your Data is ensured, which will be confirmed in particular by:
. cooperation with entities processing personal data in countries for which an appropriate decision of the European Commission has been issued;
. application of standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission;
. application of binding corporate rules approved by the relevant supervisory authority;
. in the event of data transfer to the USA - cooperation with entities participating in the Privacy Shield program, approved by the decision of the European Commission.
At your request, we will provide you with a copy of your Data, which will be transferred outside the EEA.
Read more about the principles of personal data processing in our Privacy Policy https://en.prawo-jazdy-360.pl/privacy


1. It is unacceptable:
a) to post in comments under articles content that promotes violence, is contrary to the law, or calls for racial, ethnic or religious hatred or hatred due to lack of religion or sexual orientation;
b. placing in comments under articles content that is generally considered morally reprehensible, socially inappropriate, violating important social interests, as well as the rules of Netiquette
c. Users placing in comments under articles:
(i) advertising messages,
(ii) materials protected by copyright, which the User is not authorized to distribute.

2. New Generation reserves the right to remove the content referred to in section. 2 of this paragraph, as well as the right to block the possibility of posting comments under articles in relation to persons who have repeatedly violated the provisions of section. 2 of this paragraph. New Generation will enable the User to take a stand on the exercise of the rights referred to in this section.

3. For Users who have repeatedly violated the provisions of this paragraph, the Account administration appointed by New Generation may:
a. block the User's e-mail/nickname/login, which will prevent the User from posting comments under this nickname/login,
b. block the ability to post comments indefinitely if, after unblocking the e-mail/nick/login (blocked pursuant to point a) above, the User still violates the provisions of this paragraph.
Each content added to the website by the Administrator or User is verified from a legal perspective and accepted or rejected by the appropriate content moderators.


General rules

1. Be polite and respect others.

2. Don't swear or insult.

3. Do not provoke or behave aggressively.

4. Don't accuse, slander or torment.

5. Write clearly so that other forum users understand your statements.

6. Be tolerant and do not try to replace moderators.

7. Don't spam or use the topic for something other than what it says.

8. Don't refresh old topics.

9. Respect the topics agreed on in each forum.

10. Please do not post advertisements.

11. Please do not post offers of sale or coverage without prior arrangement with the website administrator - kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl

12. Right to publish - for security reasons, please do not publish typically private information or content that would allow identification of the author (e.g. name, address, school name, etc.).



1. The use of the Website is possible provided that the IT system and the User's end device meet the following minimum technical requirements:
a. web browser: Firefox 52.0 or higher version, Chrome 49.0 or higher version, Chrome Mobile 51.0 or higher version higher, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 or higher, Opera 47.0 or higher, WebKit Mobile 4.0 or higher.
b. mobile browser.
c. a mobile application installed on a phone with iOS: iOS 9.0 or higher version and space and free memory on the phone from 80 MB (app installation itself) to 700 MB when the application downloads all the data necessary to perform the service.
d. mobile application installed on a phone with Android: Android 4.1 or higher version and free memory in the phone from 80 MB (application installation itself) to 700 MB when the application downloads all the necessary data to perform the service.

2. The User's browser should not block New Generation cookies.

3. Connection to the Internet.

4. The recommended browser to use the service is Chrome version 49.0 or higher.

5. JavaScript support is required to use

6. The browser should not have any add-ons enabled that may block the proper operation and display of the website.


1. All payments are ONE-TIME. The customer purchases a package for a specified period of time. After the purchased package expires, you will no longer be able to use the system as a logged-in user.
The website does not charge any other fees.

2. The payment card operator is PayPro SA Agent Rozliczeniaowy, ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000347935, NIP 7792369887, REGON 301345068.

Account activation after payment

Activating the account after making the payment means starting to use the praw-jazdy-360.pl portal in the paid version, which is tantamount to losing the right to withdraw from the distance contract.


1. The Paid User Account service is generally provided for a fee.

2. As part of the Paid User Account service, the User receives access to the content distributed on the Website as part of the Term Package.

3. The User is entitled to use the Paid User Account using a browser, iOS mobile application, Android mobile application, with Internet access. Providing access to the Paid User Account to third parties, going beyond the limits of permitted use in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights.

4. Availability of the Paid User Account is unlimited territorially.

5. The Paid User Account service is provided only to Users who:
- have an Account
- accept the Regulations;
- purchase the Package or receive access to the Package on other terms provided by New Generation;
- have equipment that meets the minimum hardware requirements specified in paragraph 6


The right to withdraw from the contract is available only to Users who are consumers.

Withdrawal from the contract: Each consumer who has concluded a distance contract may, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the item, and if the contract concerns the provision of a service - from the date of its conclusion, withdraw from it without giving a reason (however, this does not apply to all contracts. Among other things, , the consumer has no such right in relation to goods manufactured specifically to his order, or if the transaction took place through an auction, or if the subject of the service are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the package was opened after delivery). Additionally, if the consumer withdraws from the contract, the entrepreneur will be obliged to refund the amount paid by him within 14 days. Importantly, the refund will also include shipping costs (but only for the cheapest option, i.e. if the customer paid for the goods to be delivered by courier, the store will only refund the cost of the cheapest shipment it offers, e.g. the amount for shipping by economy mail).

Withdrawal from the digital content contract is not possible when the user's payment is directly activated, which enables, among other things, access to the paid part of the digital information.

Otherwise: The user who purchased access was given the opportunity to click on the payment activation link on the website after logging in, or the payment activation link was sent electronically. After clicking on the mentioned link, he can access the digital paid version of the website and the right of withdrawal no longer applies. However, until he clicks on the payment activation link, he has the option of withdrawing from the contract.


1. All complaints, including those related to the use of Packages, purchases, payments, etc., should be submitted in writing to the following address: New Generation, ul. Sowia 1/147, 61-131 Poznań or by e-mail to kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl

2. Complaints will be considered within 14 days from the date of receipt. A response to the complaint will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User, and in the case of a complaint submitted by traditional mail - to the address provided by the User.

3. Complaints regarding the services referred to in the Regulations (including the exercise by New Generation of the rights to block or delete content posted by users or blocking access to services within the Website) should be submitted by e-mail to the following address: kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl or in writing to the address of the registered office. New Generation will consider the complaint and respond within 14 days from the date of its receipt.


1. The agreement for using the Account is concluded for a SPECIFIC period of time in the package.

2. New Generation may terminate the contract with 1 month's notice if it decides to discontinue New Generation's provision of the service of making the Account available to all Users,

3. The User has the right at any time to close the created Account, stop using the services referred to in the Regulations, and withdraw from the contract regarding the use of the services. Please send a request to close the Account and other correspondence regarding cessation of using the services referred to in the Regulations and withdrawal from the contract regarding the use of services to the e-mail address: kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl or in writing to the address of the Headquarters.

Deletion of the account

To delete your account, please send an email from your registered email address with the text "Delete account" to kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl.


1. New Generation reserves the right to block message senders, domains and IP addresses on the Website's servers in the event of using the Account or other services referred to in the Regulations in violation of the law. New Generation will enable the User to take a stand on the exercise of the rights referred to in this section.

2. Each purchased account corresponds to one person who purchased the course. One account can be actively logged in. All other user sessions will be automatically logged out when a new session logs in. The Owner and Publisher of the website may temporarily or permanently block the accounts of users who log in from multiple places at once and thus create unnatural traffic or provide paid/free access to the website without the Publisher's consent.



1. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the use of content distributed on the Website, including the purchase and use of the Package, is New Generation.
In any matter regarding personal data, you can contact our Employee at the e-mail address: kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl or in writing to the following address: New Generation, ul. Sowia 1/147, 61-131 Poznań.

2. Personal data will be processed:

a. in order to complete the order for the Package and enable access to the service of the Paid part of the website - for this purpose, the data will be processed for the period of use of the Paid User Account - the legal basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is the necessity to conclude and perform the contract (Article 6, section .1 letter b of the Regulation);

b. in order to fulfill public law obligations related to the execution of an order on a paid User Account - for this purpose, the data will be processed for a period until the expiry of these obligations - the legal basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is the legal obligation (Article 6(1)(b) c of the Regulation);

c. presenting an offer tailored to you;
A tailored offer is created automatically based on your data that we collect, profile and save. For this purpose, we collect data about:
- your purchase history, including paid Packages, including promotions you took advantage of;
-Your activity on our Website, such as statistics of the questions
you asked, where you came from, what content you viewed, how much time you spent reading individual content on the Website;
- information whether you have an Account on the Website;
- the type of device(s) you use.
Your data may also be collected via cookies and other similar technologies installed on your end devices. The legal basis for presenting you with a tailored offer is your consent to present such an offer Regulation. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Just send an e-mail to: kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the compliance of the processing of your data until the consent is withdrawn.

d. in order to implement the legitimate interests of the Administrator consisting in:

- determining, pursuing claims or defending against claims - for this purpose, data will be processed until the limitation period for any claims arising from the order or use of the paid User Account or until a justified objection or justified request deletion of data - the legal basis for processing your data for this purpose is our legitimate interest in establishing, pursuing or defending against claims;
- implementation of analytical and statistical purposes - in the above-mentioned purposes, personal data will be processed for the period until the date of submission of a justified objection or a justified request to delete data, but no longer than for a period of 10 years - the legal basis for the processing of
your data for this purpose is our justified basis, consisting in conducting analyzes of Users activity on the Website, and also their purchasing preferences, in order to improve the functionalities used;
- achieving marketing purposes consisting in displaying standard advertisements - for this purpose, data will be processed until a justified objection is raised
- the legal basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is our legitimate interest in conducting direct marketing.

e. for marketing purposes including profiling and direct marketing - in the above-mentioned purpose, the data will be processed for a period until the consent is withdrawn/opposed or a justified request is made to delete the data - the legal basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is consent in the case of consent, and in other cases our legitimate interest in conducting direct marketing.

3. Everyone has the right to object to the processing of their personal data:
- for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for this purpose);
- for reasons related to his particular situation (when data is processed for the indicated purposes)

4. Everyone also has the right to: access the content of the data and request its rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, and the right to transfer personal data.
Everyone also has the right to lodge a complaint with the authority supervising compliance with personal data protection regulations if they consider that the processing of personal data violates the personal data protection law.

5. In each case when data is processed on the basis of your consent, you can withdraw your consent - then we will stop processing your data, but this does not affect the lawfulness of data processing until the consent is withdrawn.

6. Providing e-mail address data is necessary to purchase and use the paid User Account.

7. Personal data may be transferred to entities providing services to New Generation (such as telecommunications, e-mail sending, marketing) and to competent authorities or third parties who request such information, based on an appropriate legal basis that gives rise to a legal obligation. providing information in accordance with applicable law.

It is possible that we will transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) - in particular to the administrators of social networking sites. Such transfer will take place provided that an adequate level of protection of your data is ensured, which will be determined in particular through:
- cooperation with entities processing personal data in countries in respect of which an appropriate decision of the European Commission has been issued;
- application of standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission;
- application of binding corporate rules approved by the competent supervisory authority;
- in the event of data transfer to the USA - cooperation with entities participating in the Privacy Shield program, approved by the decision of the European Commission.

At your request, we will provide you with a copy of your data that will be transferred outside the EEA.
Other information about the principles of processing and protection of personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy https://www.prawo-jazdy-360.pl/polityka-prywatnosci


New Generation may transfer your data to business partners, i.e. driver training centers, such as:
- Your opinion added for a given driver training center along with all information published for this opinion.
- if you do not agree to this or would like to block this option, please contact us.


All data recorded and stored by the Website are protected using optional technical and organizational measures and security procedures to protect them against access by unauthorized persons or their unauthorized use. Entities related to the Website are obliged to ensure that data is stored securely and security procedures prevent data leakage.


We make every effort to ensure that contact with the appropriate department is multi-channel, and therefore the speed of response is as good as possible.

Service contact channels:

2. e-mail – kontakt@prawo-jazdy-360.pl

3. Live chat on the website praw-jazdy-360.pl – available from 09.00 to 16.00 on working days

4. contact via Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/prawojazdy360/

5. contact via Twitter - https://twitter.com/PrawoJazdy360

6. a contact form available on the website and buttons enabling you to ask questions about a given exam question.

All communication channels with service employees are available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and daily e-mail messages after 8 p.m.


Website cookie policy

1. “Cookies” files should be understood as IT data stored on users end devices, intended for using websites. In particular, these are text files containing the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device and a unique number.

2. The website does not automatically collect any information, except for information contained in cookies.

3. Cookies are intended for using the website pages. The operator uses these files to:

- ability to log in and maintain the user's session on each subsequent page of the website

- adapting the content of the website to the user's individual preferences, above all, these files recognize his device in order to display the website in accordance with his preferences

- to create anonymous statistics excluding the possibility of user identification.

4. Cookies used by the website operator's partners, including in particular website users, are subject to their own privacy policy.

5. To ensure the security of the data entrusted to us, we have developed internal procedures and recommendations to prevent data from being made available to unauthorized persons. We control their implementation and constantly check their compliance with relevant legal acts - the Act on the Protection of Personal Data, the Act on the Provision of Services by Electronic Means, as well as all types of executive acts and acts of Community law

6. By default, software used to browse websites allows cookies to be placed on the User's end device. These settings can be changed by the User in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to inform each time they are sent to the user's device.

7. Website users may change cookie settings at any time. Detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.

Example editing options in popular browsers:

8 . The Website Operator informs that changes to the settings in the user's web browser may prevent the proper operation of the Websites.


The Administrator uses or may use Own Cookies for the following purposes:

1. Website configuration:
- adapting the content of the Website pages to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of the Website pages;
- recognizing the Website User's device and its location and appropriately displaying the website, tailored to his or her individual needs;
- remembering the settings selected by the User and personalizing the User interface,

2. Authentication and ensuring the User's session on the Website:
- maintaining the Website User's session (after logging in), thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of the Website;
- Implementation of processes necessary for the full functionality of the websites - i.e. adapting the content of the Website's websites to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of the Website's websites. In particular, these files allow you to recognize the basic parameters of the User's Device and properly display the website, tailored to your individual needs;

3. Analyzes and research as well as audience audit, i.e. creating anonymous statistics that help understand how Website Users use the Website's websites, which allows improving their structure and content.

4. Providing advertising services, i.e. adapting advertisements for services and products presented via the Website. The service administrator uses or may use External Cookies for the following purposes:
Presenting multimedia content on the Website's websites, which are downloaded from an external website:
- www.youtube.com [Cookie administrator: Google Inc based in the USA],
Purpose: correct display promotional video on the website
- Collecting general and anonymous static data via analytical tools:
- Google Analytics [Cookie administrator: Google Inc based in the USA],
Purpose: analysis of the flow and method of using the website
Action: Interaction that causes data to be sent to Analytics . Common activity types include page tracking activities, event tracking activities, and e-commerce activities.
Each time a user action triggers the tracking code (e.g. opening a page on a website or a screen in a mobile app), Analytics records that action. Each interaction is bundled into a packet called an "action" and sent to Google's servers. Example types of activities:
• page tracking activities,
• event tracking activities,
• e-commerce tracking activities,
• social interaction activities.
- Hotjar [Cookies administrator: Hotjar Ltd based in Malta].
Purpose: analysis of how the website is used
Actions: hotjar collects and saves information about where the user clicked on the website and records a video of the website's use. Data such as login and password are not recorded by him.
Presenting advertisements tailored to the User's preferences using an online advertising tool or in order to effectively manage the marketing strategy:
- Google AdSense [Cookie administrator: Google Inc based in the USA],
Purpose: displaying advertisements on the website from the Google Adsense affiliate program
Action: Adsense matches the content advertising for a given user and personalizes the display of advertising to him

5. Logging in to the Website using an account on another Website:
- Facebook Connect [Cookie administrator: Facebook Inc based in the USA or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland],
- Google [Cookie administrator: Google Inc based in the USA],

6. Using interactive functions to popularize the website via social networking sites:
- Twitter.com [Cookie administrator: Twitter Inc. based in the USA,
- Facebook.com [Cookie administrator: Facebook Inc based in the USA or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland],
- LinkedIn.com [Cookie administrator: LinkedIn Ireland Limited based in Ireland].

7. Presenting opinions on the Website pages that are downloaded from an external website:
- Facebook.com [Cookie administrator: Facebook Inc based in the USA or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland].

8. Using functions to facilitate communication via the Website that are downloaded from an external website:

a. Getsitecontrol.com (Cookies administrator: GetWebCraft Limited based in Cyprus]


All content, materials and graphic elements placed on this website are the property of our company. They are protected by copyright. This does not apply to questions, answers and multimedia related to these questions. These items are publicly available.

The entire website presented is the property of New Generation and is a work within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws No. 90, item 631). No part of it may be distributed or reproduced in any way (electronic, mechanical or otherwise) without the written consent of New Generation. This does not apply to questions, answers and multimedia related to these questions. These items are publicly available.

Our website contains links to other websites. Please be advised that we are not responsible for the content contained on other websites. Copying the content of the website or its parts without the written consent of the website owners is prohibited. This does not apply to questions, answers and multimedia related to these questions. These items are publicly available.

The materials contained on this website may be used or distributed only for informational purposes and only with a copyright notice and indication of the source of information. This does not apply to questions, answers and multimedia related to these questions. These items are publicly available.


Mechanisms securing the credibility of opinions published on the website.

1. We only allow registered users to add opinions

2. We verify the IP address and allow only one opinion to be added for OSK

3. Each time, a service employee analyzes the opinion and manually accepts it

4. In individual cases, the employee may ask to send confirmation of course attendance for verification purposes.

5. The website does not mediate in the sale of driving courses conducted at OSK

The website cannot guarantee that the opinions added on the website are fully reliable, as it does not act as an intermediary in their sale and has no regard for contracts concluded with customers. We make every effort to ensure that all published information is reliable and verified.


If any provision of the Regulations is deemed invalid by a final court decision, the remaining provisions remain in force.


1. The Regulations are available on the Website and the Save button allows you to download, save and print them. In addition, the Regulations are available in digital form at the address of the Registered Office and are available in the user panel in the My Account tab - there is a link to the recorded and accepted version of the Regulations at the time of its electronic acceptance.

2. The Regulations are effective from 18.12.2023

3. Version of the regulations - 1.6 dated 18.12.2023

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